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Apr 10, 2019

Wage gap myths, middle class success, and hate crime statistics are examined this week in order to dispel the calls for a new social contract. In a society where the majority makes the rules, how do minorities prosper? Is it because of a social contract, is it the result of people being rational, or is it just people being nice to each other? Listen to the conclusion of this two-part special as James Harrigan and Antony Davies use data to trace the prosperity of minority groups in America on this week’s episode of Words & Numbers.

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Show Notes:

13 year old buys his mother a car 

Cancer vaccine

Foolishness of the week

Illinois to raise smoking age to 21

Florida town makes it illegal to grow vegetables

State of Florida overrules Florida town

Topic of the week: Social Contract Nonsense (Part 2)

Households by race and income (1967-2017)

Income by gender (1960-2017)

Hate crime statistics

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