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Jan 17, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent the country into a tizzy not long ago when he declared that the federal government would start cracking down on state-legal marijuana. This is problematic, but it's a symptom of a larger problem. Article I, Section 8, of the US Constitution lists the things that the federal government may concern itself with. Marijuana — indeed, any drug — is not on that list. In fact, a great many things that the federal government concerns itself with are not on that list. So how did we get to the point of having federal laws and regulations about marijuana and a number of other things? We had to have a Constitutional amendment to ban alcohol, so why doesn't the government need one to ban marijuana? James Harrigan and Antony Davies discuss this and more on this week's episode of Words and Numbers.

Quick hits

Sarah Silverman 

CT considers raising its excise tax on cigarettes. Again. 

What will mass-market driverless cars look like? 

Foolishness of the Week 

Topic of the Week: Federalism and Constitutional Amendments

Federalism and marijuana 

Article One, Section 8 of the US Constitution 

Wickard v. Filburn