Sep 27, 2023
Robert Reich (not an economist) recorded a video recently in which he claims that the rich are not paying their fair share of Social Security. But the calculations he uses to prove his point are fundamentally flawed.
Foolishness of the week: 09:54
Main episode: 12:57
Get Your Copy of Cooperation and Coercion Now!
Sep 20, 2023
Economist Bryan McCannon gives us two things to think about this week: his research into whether covid mask mandates saved lives, and that journal editors were afraid to publish his results.
Foolishness of the week: 08:04
Main episode: 11:49
Get Your Copy of Cooperation and Coercion Now!
Sep 13, 2023
Burning Man, a modern day Woodstock, occurs each year in the desert. This year brought 87,000 people together to live, if only for a few days, in a cooperative nirvana. We take some time to look at the Burning Man principles for living and ask whether they make any sense.
Foolishness of the week: 05:21
Main episode:...
Sep 6, 2023
Union membership in the private sector has been declining for decades, while union membership in the public sector has been increasing. This is consistent with workers voluntarily choosing not to unionize to the point that unions must turn to government jobs where it is easier to force workers to unionize.