Apr 26, 2023
The question, “How much do Americans earn?” seems simple. But there are so many moving parts below the surface that there is no single answer. For example, by “earn” do we mean “money from a job” or are we including interest income. What about Social Security retirement benefits? What about government...
Apr 19, 2023
What happens if the dollar is no longer a world
currency? Financial expert Pete Earle joins us to discuss his
recent article on the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve
Foolishness of the week: 05:42
Main episode: 07:39
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Apr 12, 2023
Bank runs, green investing, doctor shortage in Europe,
are people getting dumber?
Foolishness of the week: 09:07
Main episode: 11:32
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Apr 5, 2023
Episode 321: Space and Property
As humans venture out into space - not just under the auspices of government, but now as private citizens - establishing and adjudicating property rights will become ever more important. The treaty under which countries operate was signed back in the 1960s. It says that government may not...